Rather than stick around here in Portland to enjoy the white and cold Christmas we headed to Puerto Rico to enjoy a little different Christmas flavor.
We had a blast staying in an authentic Puerto Rican house near Rincon beach with all of Ashley’s family. We were thrilled with how well our kiddos traveled. Luke wasn’t too much of a surprise - eating and sleeping most of the way. And Lydia, despite having to sit on my lap, was a good sport. Naturally, she loved the taking off and the landing.
Each day we visited a different beach. At the first beach Lydia just stood still in the sand not wanting to move. It didn’t take her too long to get used to it. It was pretty funny to watch her in her floaty thingy in the water yelling to anyone who would listen, “I swimming! I swimming!” It reminded me of the sailing scene in “What About Bob?”
Ashley and I were content to lounge around the house or the beach and make frequent trips to Pollo Tropical - a grilled chicken and rice and beans restaurant. We also gave boogie boarding a shot in the waves surrounded by real surfers.
Now we’re back home safe and sound. Of course we’re cold, and we go to bed at 8 PM and wake up at 4 AM because we no longer have any concept of time. Here’s a link to some of the pictures taken on our trip. Enjoy!