During Christmas vacation we had family pictures taken when my mom had a friend take pictures of the entire clan (see previous post for just one said picture.) She had quite the job taking photos of 18 people, eight of which were young children ranging in age from 9 months-7 years. After the entire family picture when we were in the orchard we had her take a few more of our family. Luke wasn't too excited to be having more pictures taken, as you can tell in some of them. (Warning: most are not the full resolution pictures, I don't have that CD yet. But you get the general idea.)

The kids brightened up a bit when they discovered the apples on the trees in the orchard, and that they could pick them and throw them.
Somehow the grey shirt and snow and such somewhat hid my belly in these pics, I think I was about 32-33 weeks along in these pictures. I don't think anything can hide it now!
The inside shots, prior to tromping around outside in the snow and the kids were a little more agreeable to having pictures taken.