So, as a mom I have to say I enjoy nap-time. Occasionally, when Luke cooperates, I can get them both to sleep at the same time and then I can actually do things that I want to do, like read email, read a book, sleep, or even go to the bathroom unattended by a little voice saying ‘”potty, potty, pee pee.”
Lydia usually goes to sleep pretty easily as long as you follow her funny little routine. It begins by her saying goodbye to everything she sees as we make our way to the stairs. “Bye coloring, bye chair, bye apples, bye pears, bye food, bye couch, bye hanger, bye stairs.” Once we reach her room, she asks for her “pa-pa” (pacifier) and blankie, then folds her arms for a prayer. The prayer is said, she leans her head forward for a kiss, and then says “big hug?” with her arms out. After the hug is given, she lays her head down and (usually) goes out pretty quickly. It’s pretty endearing, I have to say, and usually I need her to do something endearing by nap-time. So, now that you know the routine you’re qualified to babysit. Any takers?
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