This weekend we had a great time playing with Ty's family, minus Shelly, Eric, and Tate. Friday evening Grandma Shirlene and Grandpa Dave (and Tony and Breann, once they arrived) watched the kiddos while Tyler and I went to the beautiful Portland Temple with Travis and Melissa. It was a fabulous, peaceful evening and much needed.

The next morning, we got up and lounged around after breakfast, then decided to go to the park.

Luke is clearly not sure if this is a great idea.

Lydia, Taegan, and Grandma were a little more excited about the park plans.

After some wrestling and some marshmallows, we were ready to go.

(I just had to put this picture of Lydia in--I love her curls!!!)

Luke decided to sample the playground bark. It's not that great, in case you were thinking of doing the same.

Lydia loved learning the monkey bars with her daddy.

I knew Luke had a strong grip (especially with toys that Lydia wants and my hair,) but we discovered it extends to money bars as well. He was able to hang on unassisted for a few seconds two or three times. Not bad for a little rascal like him!

I had to throw in this picture of Tony and Bre because I think it's hilarious.

It was a fun-filled weekend and Lydia was sad to wake up from her nap on Saturday to find that all her friends were gone. Lucky for her, we're talking a road trip this week to see Grandma and Grandpa Smith in Fruitland so she'll have some new playmates for the weekend!