Meet Luke, otherwise known as Goober, Goob, Tub-a-bub, Lukey-Dukey, Lukester, etc. He loves to make messes any time I turn my back (or in this case, I was on the computer.) Lotion, soap, and water are his personal favorites to use to make messes.
(Note that although you can't see it, his shirt says champion mess-maker.) This was what he decided to do Monday morning while I was sending emails for my Church calling. After this was taken, we went to clogging, where he and two other little ones just older than him overflowed the sink in the bathroom adjacent to the nursery, took dump trucks and buses from the nursery and filled them with the water, and drove them out into the middle of the nursery room and dumped the water out. It was very un-awesome.
The next morning I stopped doing laundry when my toast popped up, and as I was buttering it I could hear Luke laughing, then Lydia. This is what I found. I'm sure I thoroughly confused them by laughing and taking a picture, and then having a talk with them about how they can't ever do it again because they could get stuck in there or break the dryer door.
This was this morning, rearranging the silverware while I was getting Lydia dressed.
The little guy is full of energy and spunk, which is one of the reasons I love him, but he sure does challenge me sometimes! He is starting to speak more, which is fun to hear. His favorite thing to say seems to be to yell Mom repeatedly at top volume. He spoke his first real sentence this week, which was "I nee ep peese" (I need help please.) Pretty cute. Hopefully he stays that polite. I sure love this little guy and all his antics!
Update: As I was posting this, the little man himself ran in to say hi:
I went to see what else he had colored with blue marker. I found the following:
(There was also some on one of the dining room chairs, but I didn't take a picture.)
Apparently when he was done he ate the tip of the marker--hiding the evidence, I guess? Luckily Crayola makes water-soluble, non-toxic markers. This is why I can't blog while my children are awake!