Ok, perhaps this is a bit more exciting news than the destroying of a snowman. Yes - it definitely is. Ian Tyler Stoddard was born just after midnight Friday 2/4/11. The stats: 8 lbs. 15 oz., 21.25 in., 3 in. biceps, 12 in. waist, blond hair/blue eyes ... ok, ok, no hair/brown eyes.
It was a pretty exciting start to labor before things settled down. I was in a meeting at work when I got the text that said, "My water just broke, I think." :) I showed it to my boss, who was sitting next to me, and told everyone I'm out! as I hustled back to my desk. I hadn't really planned ahead since we were a week and a half from the due date and had ridden my bike to work. Nice. Ashley was handing the kids off to our neighbor then driving herself to the hospital while I was peddling as fast as I could to meet her there.
She got there just before I did, and I found her in the triage room. She looked concerned. She said the contractions weren't really consistent yet and so she thought maybe her water really hadn't broken. Fortunately, the nurse ran a test that confirmed it was amniotic fluid. Whew. She was checked into her room and then we started walking the halls. Because the contractions weren't consistent she wasn't in much pain or discomfort yet (she can amend this later if she disagrees). All the nurses were very impressed with how fast and how much she was walking. I estimated that we walked a few miles in total. My feet were getting sore, but that's not really very manly to tell my full-term wife that I may need a break because my feet are sore. I tucked my skirt in and kept walking.
Ashley was hoping to get him out before midnight so he'd have his own birthday. But Lydia was hoping he'd wait so she could share her birthday with him. She said it'd be the best present ever! (I'm sure you can picture her tone and expression when she said it.) In the end, the birthday wish of a four year-old carried more weight. We were told that active labor lasted a little over an hour and she pushed for a whoppin' seven minutes (I'm sure it seemed longer for her) before Ian joined us in the outside world. It was just as beautiful as it was when Lydia and Luke were born! Ashley reached down and grabbed him and put him on her chest. He cried for a little bit and took a peek with his left eye to see the world around him. Both mom and baby are happy and healthy. Lydia and Luke are both excited to have a new baby brother, too. Enjoy a few photos and videos.

congratulations! what an amazing birth and family you have. He is so sweet and what a precious gift for Lydia and the rest of the family :)
ReplyDeleteI love Lydia's birthday reaction in that first video. She's a doll. And the last video looks like he had a couple little smiles. My nephew is soooo advanced. Good for Ashley that the labor was relatively quick and easy when you just breath and sit cross-legged on the bed all relaxed looking. What are all us other wusses whining about???
ReplyDeleteYes, so I noticed the snowman post made it up before the birth of Ian and I was super disappointed when I saw that's what it was. Thank you for following it up so close behind with Ian, much more entertaining! Anyway, congratulations!!! He is super adorable! What a little beautiful family of five. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteFor the record, Ian loved the snowman video and validated my decision to post it first. He knows cool. :)
ReplyDeleteSO precious! Congratulations Stoddard Family! I'm really glad that you hung in there to the end, Tyler. I don't think Ashley would've let you live that one down, or your grandkids for that matter. Way to go Ashley! 7 minutes, that's amazing! You look great! What a beautiful family!
ReplyDeletecongratulations to you all! Thanks for sharing the birth-story and newborn pics. Ian is a doll, such a precious new addition to your adorable family. Treasure that little blessing. Ashley, I hope you are feeling well. You look beautiful, as usual!
ReplyDeleteAnd... happy birthday Lydia!
Shelly, I'll have you know that in my "zen" pose picture I wasn't having hard contractions at that point and while I may look calm and peaceful, on the inside I was yelling at my body trying to get it to kick into gear and get the baby out. In the end, my meditation didn't work and I had to resort to pitocin, and even that took a good hour and a half to get things cookin'!
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh you guys, he is adorable! congratulations. now i'm off to read ashley's account...