I can't believe my sweet Baby E is already two months old! However, it does seems like forever ago that I was pregnant and weirdly enough, I kind of miss it. It seems like with the other two kids I wished away the newborn stage; I was excited for them to start smiling, and rolling over, and laughing, etc, etc. This time I don't want him to grow up at all. I guess I just realize how fast kids grow up now and I want time to just stop!
He had an appointment with the doctor this morning and got two shots, which he was not happy about in the least. He's packed on three pounds in the last six weeks (now 11.8 lbs) and has grown almost three inches too (24.25 inches now)! He's still a lightweight compared to the babies on Tyler's side of the family but about on par with our kids.
When I was home last week I had some pictures taken by the same person who took the family shots at Christmas. He was tired and not happy to be having pictures taken, would not go to sleep so we could get cute sleeping baby shots, and was not having being naked at all! Nevertheless, I think we still got some good pictures. I sure love this little man of mine!

I noticed there was a new post and thought, "Ok, let's see what the big joke is. I'm not falling for any April Fools trick, but it will be amusing."
ReplyDeleteI'm happy that wasn't the case and I get to see these adorable pictures. Love it all!
The one after the big yawn looks SO much like Lydia! So cute. And I'm totally with you on the "don't grow up so fast thing." Never cared so much before this one! Oh, and even though O's got a few pounds on him, they're almost the same length :) O was 24.75 inches yesterday :)
ReplyDeleteapril fools! i got nothin. i just wanted to say it once today. and that baby is so cute! he looks just like your others. don't you love that i just referred to your kids as "that baby" and "the others"...anyway, he is so cute and i think it's hilarious how he's all wide awake and alert.
ReplyDeleteHe sure is a cutie!!!
ReplyDeleteHe is so beautiful! He looks so much like his big brother and sister...naturally! And I am loving the new Blog header pic!