Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Need I say more?


  1. Is she really as excited as she looks about the cast? It is a beautiful pink, and I want to come sign it!

  2. Does this mean that she didn't have to have surgery...just a cast? I hope no surgery. She is so cute though...all smiles with her pretty pink cast! What a doll.

  3. Sorry that last comment was from Kadi and not Joel...I don't know why his name popped up and gave him the credit. This comment is from Kadi too, but it will probably show up as Joel.

    But now this is really Joel. I thought since it was going to say that I was the one who was saying something that I should also actually say something. Sorry to hear that Lydia broke her arm! I hope everything else is going well.

  4. LOL, so good to hear from both of you! Yes, no surgery for her, just a cast for 3 weeks. And she actually doesn't mind it too much--she holds it up like a trophy wherever we go so that people will ask her about it. She's totally soaking up all the attention.

  5. sooo cute. I just "re-found" your blog-- I didn't realize you had switched over to the blogger world from your old website. congrats! haha. Anyway, your kids are beautiful and it is fun to catch up.
