The Haps first, then we'll move on to the more important and wildly exciting craps....My sister inspired me to make a Moby-type wrap for my friend's baby shower, so here's the picture of the finished product. Thank you Luke for modeling how it's used. (Well, at least one of the ways you can use it.) I have one extra one that's almost identical to this one, except it was my practice one, so the bottom edge of the paisley fabric has ribbon on it to cover up a mistake :) If you want it you can have it, just let me know!
The Craps: LYDIA IS USING THE POTTY, HOORAY!!! I don't know what happened to change her mind, but we'd been having talks for a while about how when she was three she'd be a big girl and would be ready to use the potty. She would usually cry because "I'm not a big girl!" if you even suggested that she sit on the potty. Since she'll be three in about two weeks I suggested that we practice sitting on the potty to get ready to be a big girl. She resisted, until Wednesday. She voluntarily sat on the potty for 20 minutes trying to go, but couldn't. I suggested that she try after taking a bath, because that might help her pee-pee come out. She was in the tub, stood up and told me she had to pee-pee, so we sat on the potty and she did it! In her own words, "I felt the tickle and then I sat on the potty and my pee-pee just fell out!"
She's doing GREAT at peeing on the potty--even at night. She'll wake me up when she has to go, which is exciting to me even at 1:45 am. Our problem is pooping. She already has constipation problems, so going poop on the potty is going to be a big challenge. She hasn't really gone since Wednesday, despite me loading her up with fiber supplements and starting Miralax yesterday. Today she had to go a few times, but she can't really control the urge when she has to go so she ended up peeing and pooing just a tiny bit in her underwear. I put pull-ups on her this afternoon and told her to just poop in them and she could have any treat she wanted, but she's so focused on NOT going in her pants now that she won't do it. So, here we are--her with tons of poop in her bowels but refusing to go, and me pleading for her to poop in any way, shape, or form. Any ideas of how to get this cute underwear-clad lady to poop?
Luke, on the other hand, has no problem pooping and peeing his pants all day long. He is now fascinated with the toilet and loves to flush it. Yesterday as I was getting ready to go to the shower he managed to stuff half a roll of toilet paper and a block in the toilet and flushed it several times, causing it to overflow. It made me think of the book "Love You Forever" and I actually smiled when I first saw it. His new word is showcased in the following video. I sure love this goofy little guy!
Now you know what we've been up to for the last few weeks!