Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another random post...

First, a few pictures from Lydia's birthday celebrations, which have lasted for about two you see a theme going on here?

No, I did not make the cake. I paid a girl in my ward to make it.

Second, a scenario for you all to consider: Last week while driving home from work at 2:30 am Thursday, I stopped at a red light and watched a young gentleman bike across the crosswalk in front of me. The bike he was riding still had the cardboard poster thingy in the front wheel and I could see a plastic sleeve with papers in it hung on the handlebar. Obviously this guy had just bought himself a brand-new bike.....except that it was 2:30 in the morning, and what sporting goods store is open at that time? I sat there debating if I should call the cops and report a (possibly) stolen bike or just let it go? I went with the third option: go home and put it in the capable hands of my little superhero!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Happy Third, Lydia!

What better place to celebrate a birthday than Red Robin?! Lydia must be a "big girl" now for sure. As soon as we sat down she looked up at the server and said, "Today is my birthday!" She soaked it all in, especially the ice cream with whipped cream and sprinkles. Now the challenge is to get her to realize it's a birth day not a birth week or birth month. She is most definitely our little princess!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dumpster Diving

As you may recall, Luke has had a certain affinity for garbage cans from an early age. His new fetish is flushing the toilet/flushing things down the toilet. (I think he may have a future in waste management.) So when my keys turned up missing and I'd looked ALL OVER the house for them, I had a suspicion that they might be in one of those places. Since tonight is garbage night, we figured we better check the nastiness that is our garbage can before the trash man took it away for good.


I'm definitely keeping my keys out of his reach from now on.