Today as we were driving to Costco Lydia informed me that she had had a baby. When I asked her where her baby was, she replied (in a tone implying that I was an idiot for asking the question) that he was still in her tummy. "See, it's getting really bigger." She also told me he was wearing pink jammies. "He is wearing pink jammies? In your tummy?" I asked. Yep, was the response. When I told her that she and Luke had been born wearing nothing, she tried to sound appalled. "We were NAKED????" she yelled. Nice try at trying to sound modest, little girl. Not after you dropped your pants and took off your shirt in the middle of the Children's Place outlet last weekend because you saw some clothes you liked.

As we pulled into Costco she told me her baby "just popped right out." That was easy, I said. "Yep, it's not hard, I just pushed and he came right out." And here it is, my favorite part of the conversation--
"And now he's drinking milk from my brain."
I hope I'm there when she has her first baby, who will pop right out wearing pink pajamas and start nursing on her lactating brain.